Amado Carrillo Fuentes was born in Guamuchilito, Sinaloa, was a Mexican drug lord and the head of the Juarez Cartel. He became known as "The Lord of Heaven." He died in a hospital in Mexico after undergoing extensive plastic surgery to change his appearance. In his last days Carrillo was being tracked intensively by U.S. and Mexican authorities, was also known for the transfer of 20 million dollars through Colombia to finance its huge fleet of aircraft. The DEA described Carrillo as the most powerful drug trafficker of his era and many analysts said that his fortune was closer to 25 billion U.S. dollars, which made him one of the richest men in the world.
Carrillo was the son of Vicente Carrillo Fuentes and Aurora. It was the first of six children: Amado, Cipriano, Vicente, José Cruz, Alberto and Rodolfo. He also had five sisters: Maria Luisa, Berthila, Flor, Alicia and Aurora. These children were the nephews of Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo (Don Neto) the leader of the Guadalajara Cartel. Amado started in the drug business under the tutelage of his uncle Ernest.
Carrillo's father Vicente Carrillo Vega, died in April 1986, his brother Cipriano Carrillo Fuentes died in 1989 in mysterious circumstances.
On September 11, 2004, the rival Juarez cartel killed the brother of Rodolfo Carrillo Fuentes "The Golden Boy" and his wife Giovanna Gastelum Quevedo.
On October 28, 2008, the charred body José Cruz Carrillo Fuentes, was found and subsequently stolen from the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo) by an armed group.

Carrillo was sent to Ojinaga, Chihuahua to monitor shipments of cocaine from his uncle, and to learn about cross-border operations from Pablo Acosta Villarreal "El Zorro de Ojinaga". Carrillo was transporting four times more cocaine to the U.S. than any other dealer in the world, building a fortune of more than $ 25 billion dollars, was called "Lord of Heaven."

Had over 27 727 private planes to transport Colombian cocaine to municipal airports and gravel roads throughout Mexico, including Ciudad Juárez. In the month before his death, Carrillo's business grew exponentially, the poster sent several shipments directly into Manhattan and millions of dollars back to the organization of Carrillo. During that same time, Amado made frequent private jet travel to Cuba, Russia and other nations seeking a safe haven. Had been persecuted by the law since it took over the reins of the Juarez cartel in April 1993 after the death of Rafael Aguilar Guajardo.
Recognized by drug agents as one of the lowest profile, sophisticated, and diplomatic heads of cartels in Mexico, he even formed joint operating agreements with rival trafficking groups. The alleged relationship with General Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, a senior drug enforcement official in Mexico made it "the most powerful drug traffickers in Mexico," according to the DEA.
The pressure for the capture of Amado Carrillo was intensified US and the Mexican authorities and perhaps for this reason, Carrillo underwent facial plastic surgery and liposuction of his stomach on July 3, 1997 in Santa Monica Hospital in Mexico City, however, during the eight hours of operation to apparently died of complications from a drug or a malfunction of the respirator. It is unclear whether the lethal dose of the drug Dormicum was administered intentionally or by mistake by the surgeon or the bodyguards.

There are many possible ways I could have died, could be a shock or a heart attack caused by the drug alone or in combination with cocaine in Carrillo's system, by the bodyguards or by the surgeon, or malfunction of the respirator .
Some of the wilder theories contained in Mexican newspapers hold that Carrillo's bodyguards smothered him with a pillow or that the PGR tortured him and then faked the plastic surgery.
The public perioidico El Financiero that the body was really that of Amado's cousin, assuming of course that Carrillo had paid someone to replace their identity with that of his cousin as DNA, blood samples, dental records and fingerprints. The most unusual circle was reported by the respected TV journalist Pedro Ferriz of Con, who said that Amado Carrillo had committed suicide, according to an interview given Carrillo allegedly said: "If I die, no one kills me, the only person who can kill Amado Carrillo is Amado Carrillo. "
The DEA confirmed that the body was that of Amado Carrillo, four days after his alleged death using fingerprints positively matched to an old card immigration. PGR authorities questioned the accuracy of this method, claiming that he could not confirm the body with DNA and toxicology testing. Finally, on July 11, the PGR announced that the body was that of Carrillo, on the basis of evidence including DNA, fingerprints, blood, scars and ear shapes. However PGR officials still were not sure if the death was caused by homicide or medical malpractice. As of July 22, officials were still debating whether it was the Dormicum was deliberately administered or respirator.
The PGR began an investigation beginning with Carrillo's surgeon, Pedro López Saucedo, to determine the degree of responsibility of Santa Mónica Hospital in the death of drug lord.
If Carrillo escaped to another country or actually died in Mexico City, the fact is that no longer functioned as head of Mexico's largest. It was assumed that the immediate control would fall to Amado's brother Vicente Carrillo of 34 who was already overseeing operations in Juárez. Two other brothers work for the cartel, but DEA authorities said it would be unusual to have a struggle between the organization.
The DEA chief Thomas Constantine and Mexican drug agents said they expected a battle between rival trafficking groups seeking to expand their own territory. Expect a fierce war with the rival Tijuana cartel, allegedly headed by the Arellano Felix brothers, who control most of the drug trafficking between Tijuana and Mexicali. Other major drug traffickers waiting for the power as Jesus "Chuy" Amezcua Contreras, controlling imports of ephedrine from India and Thailand.

From U.S. 29 July 1997 and Mexican officials Esparragoza consideron Juan José "El Azul" Moreno would emerge as the leader of the Juarez cartel. Esparragoza is known as a diplomatic trafficker with solid connections to Colombian cocaine suppliers. In the weeks following the confirmation of Carrillo's death, there were five to a dozen drug-related murders in Ciudad Juárez. Intelligence officials say key drug traffickers met in very controlled as in Juárez strip clubs to manage their business.
Carrillo received a large and expensive funeral in Guamuchilito, Sinaloa where he was revered as a kind of "Robin Hood" by the people, according to a special report in the Diario de Juárez, was known for giving away money, cattle, and gifts to hundreds of people, including vehicles such as trucks Ram, Grand Cherokee, Chevrolet, and Lincoln. Amado Carrillo also built the village church. His mansion in the state of Sonora, known as the Palace of the Arabian Nights, is still vacant. In 2006 the Governor Eduardo Bours asked the federal government to demolish it.

In April 2009, Mexican authorities arrested his son, Vicente Carrillo Leyva.
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